
What is bruxism (teeth grinding) botox?

In the treatment of bruxism, botox is an application that does not eliminate the cause, but reduces and destroys the symptoms. Teeth grinding botox treatment also roughens the formation of permanent sequelae by preventing the anatomical destruction caused by this condition on the teeth, jawbone and joint. Teeth grinding botox is done every 3-4 months depending on the patient’s complaints and condition. It is not a life-threatening element, but it causes effects such as lowering the quality of life, restlessness and pain in the face area.

What is bruxism (teeth grinding) botox?

What are the causes of bruxism?

When you ask what is causing the clenching, you may not be able to fully respond. The reason for this is that physical, mental and genetic factors are effective in Bruxism (teeth grinding). There may be feelings of worry, tension, anger, frustration, or tension that trigger bruxism. It can be a coping strategy or habit in situations of mental tension or deep concentration. Sleep bruxism may be sleep-related chewing activity during sleep.

What is bruxism (teeth grinding) botox?

How is bruxism botox done?

In most patients, two weeks after the clenching botox injection, symptoms related to clenching appear to decrease or improve. Botox treatment dose in bruxism is 40-60 units in total. Approximately 20 to 30 units of botox are applied to each chin on special points. The dose measure is a ratio that the physician applying will determine according to the volume or strength of the muscle during the examination. The effect of Botox usually lasts for 6 months.

What is bruxism (teeth grinding) botox?

What are the risks of bruxism botox?

Dental problems from bruxism include loss of tooth enamel, increased tooth sensitivity, and flattening and/or cracking of the teeth. Bruxism patients who sleep by clenching their teeth and clenching while awake, often experience jaw pain. Hypertrophy, which occurs with the strengthening and thickening of the jaw muscles, is another side effect of bruxism.

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