Hair loss in women

Hair loss in women
Hair loss and its clinical presentation in women

Hair loss and its clinical presentation in women: Hair loss in women is a common event, much more common than most people think. Up to 40% of women will experience hair loss at some point in their lives. Female hair loss is most typically of the androgenetic alopecia type. It may be called female pattern baldness or female pattern hair loss but both names describe the same same alopecia condition. That hair loss in women is so common is probably one of the best kept secrets in our image orientated society.

Hair loss in women is a common event, much more common than most people think. Up to 40% of women will experience hair loss at some point in their lives. Female hair loss is most typically of the androgenetic alopecia type. This section of the web site provides information on the changes that occur in the hair fiber as the condition develops. It also describes the patterns of hair loss that typically occur and discusses the underlying changes in hormones that may cause the disease to develop.