
Electric breast pump or manual?

Psychologist Sena Karabiber, who stated that breast milk has an extremely valuable place for the spiritual and physiological development of babies, while strengthening the bond formed between the mother and the baby, said, “The fact that the mother and baby are in contact during the breastfeeding process creates an emotional bond and reinforces the baby’s sense of faith in the mother. Breast milk, which consists of vitamins and minerals necessary for the baby, protects the baby against all kinds of infections and helps strengthen his immunity.”

Electric breast pump or manual?

Babies need breast milk much more frequently, especially in the newborn period. Breast milk has a very valuable place for the physiological development of babies, but besides its contribution to the physiological development of the baby in the future, it also contributes to the spiritual development of the baby and to strengthen the bond between the mother and baby.

Stating that breast milk has an extremely valuable place for the mental and physiological development of infants, it strengthens the bond formed between mother and baby. Psychologist Sena Black Pepper “The fact that the mother and baby are in contact during the breastfeeding process creates an emotional bond and reinforces the baby’s sense of trust in the mother. Breast milk, which consists of vitamins and minerals necessary for the baby, protects the baby against all kinds of infections and helps strengthen his immunity.

Likewise, it is known that the physical health, sleep system and general mental state of mothers who can breastfeed their babies regularly progress in a much more positive direction.

Psychologist Sena Karabiber said, “Mothers who know the value of breast milk and want to breastfeed their babies may experience some fears as a result of insufficient milk, the baby’s rejection of the breast or the pressure of the environment. “It’s very important for them to have a healthy interaction,” he says.

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Breast milk is the most valuable food source for a baby. However, during the extremely sensitive breastfeeding process, the times when the baby is hungry may not always be suitable for mothers. Mothers who cannot be with their baby at all times, whose milk does not come easily, whose baby refuses to breastfeed or who are in working life; It may need a support to store or increase milk, to relax the milk ducts or to make the nipples clear so that the baby can suckle more easily.

How can the mother supplement the breastfeeding process?

Psychologist Sena Karabiber “Using some functional works during the breastfeeding period and applying to a breastfeeding counselor when necessary will be helpful in making the process much healthier and more comfortable.” One of the functional artifacts that Black Pepper talks about is breast pumps. Well, if you need a breast pump, how do you choose the real breast pump?

Breast pump selection for mothers

Breast pump selection may vary depending on the use and needs of the mother. Today, there are electric breast pumps as well as manual breast pumps for expressing breast milk. To understand which type of breast pump you should choose, there are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • How often will you express milk?
  • How long will you use the pump?
  • How much time do you have to express milk?

Manual breast pumps

They are pump type manual breast pumps ideal for mothers who breastfeed their babies systematically and rarely need to express their milk. They are light, small, practical; The advantages of manual pumps are that they can be carried easily in the bag and can be milked without making a sound.

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It is possible to find the true rhythm for the expressing process in manual breast pumps with a short trial and error method. Therefore, you should not worry if the milk is low in the first milking. In particular, breast pumps with 2-phase technology have a “warning phase” to help you reach your baby’s natural suction rhythm. In the warning phase, fast but low vacuum pulling power starts just as your baby sucks. When your milk starts to come, the milking phase is started and your milk is emptied.

When choosing a manual pump, if the milk collection bottle of the pump is in the form that you can use as a bottle to store your milk and feed your baby, the problem of transferring the milk back to another bottle is also eliminated.

If you can spend time with your baby regularly, if you can breastfeed, if you only need to express milk at certain times, manual breast pumps you can use. But you should remember that these pumps need some power. If you are a working mother or your baby has weak sucking reflexes, when your baby cannot suckle milk feverIf you need to express your milk properly because you are facing issues like these, manual breast pumps can get you a little tiring.

electric breast pumps

If you need to express your baby’s milk systematically, if you are a working mother or have a very heavy schedule, you can use electric breast pumps. Since these pumps can milk both sides at the same time, it saves time for mothers.


When choosing a breast pump, attention should be paid to the vacuum feature that most closely resembles the suction style and power of the baby.

Electric breast pumps can make more noise than manual models, but there are models on the market that can operate much less quietly.

Value of equipment in pump selection: It must be BPA free!

According to the information we received from Yusuf Karacaer, the marketing manager of the Weewell brand, the manufacturer of breast pumps, care should be taken about the components used in the plastic, since breast pumps will come into contact with breast milk. Karacaer explains the issue as follows:

“Food contact breast pumps need to be manufactured from BPA-free material. Experts and conscious moms alike agree on the waste, BPA is a chemical ingredient that should be avoided. BPA, known as bisfenal A, is a chemical used to harden plastics, keep bacteria out of food, or prevent rust formation. Once the potential dangers of BPA were recognized, it has been banned worldwide, particularly in works related to children. Therefore, when choosing a breast pump, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there is a statement on the product packaging that it is produced with a BPA Free material.