
Practical exercises against grinding and clenching teeth

The exercises that you can do at home against bruxism-induced jaw pain and tooth fractures, which are the teeth clenching behavior that we often do without realizing it, are provided by Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Asst. Assoc. Dr. Gamze Şenbursa talked about readers.

Practical exercises against grinding and clenching teeth

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Assist. Assoc. Dr. Gamze Şenbursa told readers about the easy exercises you can do at home against teeth clenching.

If you also think that you are clenching your teeth, wake up with jaw and headache in the morning and people around you say that you are grinding your teeth, you can relax with easy workouts that you can apply anywhere I recommend.

Masseter and temporalis muscles, which are our masticatory muscles, play the most active role in bruxism. To find the location of these muscles, clenched your teeth and put your hands on both sides, first to your chin and then to your temples. If you feel stiffness, it means you have found these two muscles.

1st workout:

Under the skin, there is a structure called the fascia near the surface. Loosening your fascia will increase your circulation and relax your problem area. You can loosen your fascia with an easy massage system. Place both hands on your masseter muscle in your chin area. Gently apply moderate pressure to the temples and come out straight. End the massage by turning back over your ear. You can apply this massage every day in the form of 3 sets of 5 repetitions per day.

exercise 2

It is a type of regional exercise that you will do after you loosen your fascia. Put both hands on your chin area, clenched your teeth, apply moderate pressure to the area where you feel too much stiffness for 5 seconds. Then relax. You can do this workout every day in the form of 3 sets of 5 repetitions per day.

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These two basic exercises will increase the relaxation of your chewing muscles and the circulation in your face area.