
Mistakes that invite skin spots!

The warmth and light of the sun gives us satisfaction. However, although we love the sun, too much exposure to it causes significant damage to our skin. Therefore, with the arrival of summer, wrinkles, brown spots and skin burns become our issue and agenda. Dermatologist Dr. Hasan Benar warned of the damaging effects of the sun’s rays.

Mistakes that invite skin spots!

When exposed to long-term and repeated sunlight, brown spots appear on sun-exposed areas, especially on the face and hands. Sun spot is named. Although we love the sun, too much exposure to it causes significant damage to our skin. Sunspots can occur not only with sunbathing, but also with the frequent use of solariums, which are fashionable and dangerous in the last period. That’s why sun protection against sunspots is so valuable. Dermatology Specialist Dr. Hasan Benar explained to readers how tanning occurs and what kind of damage the sun’s rays cause on our skin in the long run.

How do we tan?

Mistakes that invite skin spots! Dermatology Specialist Dr. According to the information given by Hasan Benar, melanocytes, the cells that give our skin its color, are located in the upper layer of the skin and produce melanin, which is the color issue. Melanin is normally produced more in dark skinned people and less in white skinned people. This is clearly seen in the skin differences in the middle of the individuals.

with sun exposure darkening of skin color, well tanning It’s something we’ve all witnessed. So how do we tan? Like this:

  • After exposure to the sun, the production of melanin in the skin increases and is distributed in the uppermost visible layer of the skin.
  • In fact, these color pigments cover the skin like a garment and try to protect it from the damaging effects of the sun.
  • This situation also shows us the differences in tanning between individuals.
  • The tan is actually a defense system of the skin against the damaging sun rays.

How can we understand that the spots on our skin are sunspots?

Dermatology Specialist Dr. Benar said, “Sunspots are brown spots that appear on sun-exposed areas, especially on the face and hands, when exposed to prolonged and repeated sunlight. Sunspots can occur not only with sunbathing, but also with the frequent use of solariums, which have become fashionable and dangerous in recent years.

Are skin spots only caused by the sun?

Mistakes that invite skin spots! Dermatology Specialist Dr. According to Hasan Benar’s statements The sun also accelerates skin aging.

Emphasizing that sunspots are one of the most valuable reasons why the skin looks old, Dr. Hasan Benar said, “Being exposed to the sun without protection is the main cause of skin aging and this is the case. Skin spots caused by the effect of the sun can cause valuable problems.

Dr. Benar continued his explanations on the issue by mentioning how it is possible to prevent sunspots. “It is always possible to prevent premature aging, repair the signs of sun damage or even reverse it.

What you need to do to protect your skin from sun damage

Mistakes that invite skin spots!
  • Use skin care products with an SPF of at least 30 UVA and UVB daily.
  • Choose cotton, breathable and light-colored clothing.
  • Choose sunglasses according to health norms, not fashion.
  • Do not expose your skin to direct sun during the hours when the sun’s rays are heavy.

Stating that sunscreen is one of the keys to a bright, youthful-looking skin, Dr. Hasan Benar stated that sunscreens give the chance to repair some existing damages in the immune system by reducing daily sunlight intake. Benar also said that it contributes positively to the beautification process of the skin and underlined that daily use can also reduce the risk of long-term skin cancer.