
Do not miss when the first dental examination should be done in children!

Do not miss when the first dental examination should be done in children!

Dental health is of great value at all ages. For this reason, with the appearance of the first tooth in children, it is necessary to take the first steps for dental health. Drawing attention to the importance of the first examination with the first tooth, Uzm. Dt. Işıl Kırgız Karahasanoğlu gave information about the bet.

The presence of milk teeth, the most valuable task of which is the nutrition of children, also plays a role in the proper development of speech and the real pronunciation of letters. While the milk teeth, which are 20 in total, provide the three-dimensional development of the jaws, the jawbone protects the area they are in for the permanent tooth that will replace them and guides the permanent tooth while it is erupting.

First milk teeth erupt at 6-12 months

The first dental examination of children should be done with the appearance of the first tooth in the mouth. During the examination, oral hygiene education is given to mothers and they are told how to clean their children’s teeth. Valuable points about nutrition and caries prevention are highlighted. Thus, the foundations of caries-free and healthy teeth are laid with long-term systematic dentist inspections.

A caries-free future with preventive dentistry

The goal of pediatric dentistry is to guide children to a caries-free future by taking measures to prevent dental problems.

Pediatric dentists…

It determines the caries risk cluster of children and makes protective-preventive applications (such as oral hygiene education and motivation, fissure sealant and local fluoride application). In cases where milk teeth are lost early, it roughens possible space losses and crowding by applying placeholder appliances.
In the presence of harmful habits (such as thumb sucking, nail biting, prolonged pacifier or bottle use), it ensures that habits are abandoned with habit-breaking appliances and the expected losses are minimized. In cases where permanent teeth are missing, toothed prostheses make the aesthetic appearance and chewing smoother. Performs dental treatment of children with