What is alveolitis? Alveolitis Symptoms and Treatment After Tooth Extraction

Dental alveolitis is an uncommon complication after tooth extraction. However, in this article we will talk about this pathology and share a series of tips that will be very useful for avoiding dental alveolitis.

After tooth extraction, a deep cavity (alveoli or hole) is formed in this area of ​​the jaw. In a number of cases, the patient develops alveolitis of the hole – an inflammatory process that causes pain and carries a potential threat to the health of the surrounding tissues (periodontal, jawbone). For all indications, if you develop post-extraction alveolitis, treatment should be prompt. Timely access to the dental clinic will allow you to diagnose the disease in time, start treatment and avoid dangerous complications.

What is dental alveolitis? (Tooth Extraction Site Inflammation)​

Dental alveolitis can be defined as a localized and reversible infection (inflammation of the extraction cavity) that occurs after tooth extraction (usually within 24-72 hours after extraction).

Although this is a condition that can affect any tooth, it is more common and common for dental alveolitis to occur after wisdom tooth extraction.

To understand the cause of this pathology, it should be taken into account that a blood clot forms in the free space after tooth extraction. The clot will help us protect the treated area, but if it does not form, the alveoli will be exposed, meaning it will be exposed to bacteria and any external agent that can cause infection. In fact, dental alveolitis corresponds to inflammation and pain in the area due to infection.

It is claimed that the probability of suffering from dental alveolitis after extraction is 3%, but the probability will be much higher (between 20% and 30%) if extraction corresponds to wisdom teeth.

What are the types of dental alveolitis?

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Now it’s time to get to know the different types of dental alveolitis that exist. First, the main feature is that the infection is caused by a lack of clots. our dry alveolitisthere is.

This is a very painful infection because the jawbone is exposed and the patient experiences severe pain when chewing.

No longer wet alveolitisWe’re talking about the variety known as ‘.

Another feature of wet alveolitis is that the infection is not painful compared to dry alveolitis.